TruthSeekers Hosts Movie Showing
TruthSeekers will sponsor a showing of the film “The 12 Biggest Lies We Believe” from 7 p.m. to 8:30 p.m. Thursday, May 22, and Monday, June 23, in the Blocher community room at the North Manchester Public Library. The film takes the standpoint that eternity’s biggest battle isn’t between good and evil, it’s between truth and lies.
Lies shape the world more than people realize. Every person on the planet walks around with opinions based on what they think they know, and those opinions direct how everyone else acts and reacts. But very few ever question the substance that forms those crucial opinions, the entire world runs on what people believe.
Is all truth subjective? Or, is there absolute truth? Is there right and wrong? Good versus evil? From the very nature of truth to how the world began, from morality to religion, from population control to political correctness, from Israel to Islam, from atheism to God, can facts, logic and truth stand up to the “12 Biggest Lies?”
Topics include: there is no such thing as absolute truth; people are inherently good; no one should be offended; men and women are equal; a fetus isn’t human; the world is overpopulated; Americans are greedy and self-centered; Islam is a religion of peace; the Jews stole Jerusalem; the Earth is billions of years old; there is no God; and Jesus was a good man.
The film is hosted by actor Kevin Sorbo and featuring Dr. Ravi Zacharias, Ray Comfort, Kerby Anderson and a host of other experts.
TruthSeekers examines current events from a Biblical world view and is an outreach of Victory Bookstore. Public is invited. No admission charge. For further information call 260-982-8317.