Are You Sabotaging Yourself?
Don Roulo is the chief encouragement officer of Life Quest. He is a life, career and business coach as well as a Certified 48 Days Workshop Facilitator. He travels nationally and internationally to conduct business and career training as well as marriage and family workshops.
Life Quest
‘I have seen the enemy and he is us.’
I have heard this quote on many occasions and had to do some digging to find out where it originated. To my surprise it is a comic book character that I have never heard of, Pogo. I mention this because I must say there really is nothing comical about the quote. It reflects a common trait that holds many people back from achieving their destiny.
Ask yourself if this sounds like you. You have done all the studying and preparation. You have read every inspirational book, listened to every motivational podcast and attended all the success seminars.
You have even written a detailed plan of action to achieve your goal. You feel great about your progress and what you have done. Then, when the time comes to actually take the step to make it all happen, you just can’t seem to pull the trigger and make it happen.
Many people get right to the edge of succeeding, but because of the way they see or feel about themselves they unknowingly sabotage their own success.
Self-sabotage is all too common and it happens without us even knowing. Self-sabotage comes from how you see yourself and what value you place on yourself. You will never rise above the level of how you see yourself. It’s impossible!
In Proverbs it says, ‘as a man thinketh in his heart, so is he.’ If you see yourself as a poor soul just trying to make it in life – that’s who you are! If you see and value yourself as nothing more than a minimum wage employee – that’s who you are! But if you see yourself as you were intended to be, there is no limit to what you can achieve.
If you see yourself as having a successful marriage, raising children successfully and knocking it out of the park at the work you love to do – that’s who you are!
The success you can achieve is not based on your education or the family you were born in. It is not based on who you know or who likes you. We certainly can be and are affected by positive and negative words spoken over us by those who have influence in our lives.
The good news is we don’t have to allow the negative words to frame our world and our destiny. In order to achieve your God given destiny there is only one question – who do you say you are?
See yourself succeeding in every area of your life.
Look in the mirror with confidence and tell yourself you are the best spouse, parent, employee, business owner and friend. Be specific about who and what you want to be. You may even write it down to help you, but still look in the mirror and say it.
I have encouraged people to do this very thing here and overseas. I realize how difficult this can be for many people, but do it anyway. Do it for 30 days straight. See if you don’t feel and act differently at the end of 30 days.
Stop sabotaging your own success.
See yourself not as your own worst enemy, but rather your best asset!
About the Author
Don Roulo is a life, career and business coach as well as a Certified 48 Days Workshop Facilitator. He travels nationally and internationally to conduct business and career training as well as marriage and family workshops.
One of his most requested workshops is called, Master’s Millionheirs, which trains and equips budding entrepreneurs to make sure they follow sound foundational principles to ensure success in life and business. He believes to achieve true success it is vital to “make a life, not just a living.”
As a business consultant, he has written business plans and worked to market products or services as well as organizing financial statements for investors. Because of his success in the sales and business arena, Don has been blessed with the opportunity to train, motivate and inspire others. His passion is to motivate and equip people to find their passion and achieve their goals and God given destiny.