Valley Insight: Transition Planning, Preparing For The Future
Director of Special Services, Tippecanoe Valley School Corporation
The Tippecanoe Valley School Corporation is passionate about the success of all students. Our vision is to do whatever it takes to equip all students to be outstanding today, tomorrow and beyond. This includes students with disabilities. The reality is that adults with disabilities have a lower employment rate than those of adults without disabilities. Because of this fact, people with disabilities often need extra support and training to ensure success in employment.
At age 14, Indiana Special Education Law – Article 7, requires schools to include transition planning into the Individual Education Plan of a student with a disability. Through this transition planning process, transition assessments are completed with each student. The assessments ask the students a variety of questions about themselves and their future. Services and activities are included in the IEP as a result of the assessments to provide specific and individual transition planning and post-secondary outcomes for each student.
Providing resources to parents and students to help them prepare for future employment is also an important part of transition planning. Staff members at the high school connect families with Vocational Rehabilitation. VR is a state agency that works with individuals with all types of disabilities to obtain or maintain their employment goals. They also provide employment service programs for high school students with disabilities. A VR counselor can help a student gain employment skills, find a job, and start a career.
This year at Tippecanoe Valley High School, I am excited to share that we have developed a partnership with our local VR Counselor and a VR liaison from Cardinal Center’s Career Links. Our VR liaison is available at TVHS one day a week to meet and work with students with disabilities to provide them support toward future employment. They will assist students in exploring their interests, resume building, how to conduct a job search, and reaching their employment goals. This is an excellent activity for students to participate in while still in high school.
Along with the support of the VR liaison, the teachers at TVHS provide specific training on soft skills, which are necessary skills to find and maintain employment. These skills may include, time management, conflict resolution, problem solving and adaptability. Students also have opportunities to participate in community-based instruction and internships related to their interests and strengths.
Another exciting transition activity provided for students at Valley was a recent visit to Grace College for Transition Exploration Day. Valley students heard an inspiring keynote speaker, Eric Alexander, who is known for scaling Mt. Everest while guiding his blind-friend Erik Weihenmayer. They ate lunch in the college cafeteria and received a campus tour. Students also explored post-secondary options that are available in the community. Many different agencies were in attendance to provide information for students including; IVY Tech, IPFW, Goodwill, Baker Youth Club, Vocational Rehabilitation, Special Olympics and Turnstone.
As the Director of Special Services for the TVSC, I am passionate about preparing students for the future. Developing work behaviors and skills are critical for employment success. As we continue to provide these important transition services and activities for students, I am confident we will have more and more students with disabilities prepared to enter their adult life with the skills needed to function and work independently.