WCHS To Present WWII Drama
“Edelweiss,” a drama by Craig Sodaro, will be presented by the Warsaw Community High School select theatre class at 7:30 p.m. Friday, April 24, and 7:30 p.m. Saturday, April 25, in the WCHS Black Box Theatre.
The cost is $5 at the door, and all proceeds will go to Honor and Remember, through the Greater Warsaw Ministerial Association that supports recognition of Veterans for their service. Donations will also be accepted.
“Edelweiss” is set in WWII Germany in an all girl’s school who is receiving a new teacher who is not on board with the Nazi philosophies. The play shows how she wants to teach her class about the freedom to think and express themselves but is slowly bullied by the Nazi leaders and even some of the students. Gradually students are taken away for different reasons and the true feelings of the girls are brought into light in a way that shows the senselessness and brutality of that propaganda.
For more information, go to www.gwma.info.