Be Sure to Check Yourself And Your Pets For Ticks
Extension Educator, Purdue Extension Elkhart County
I have received reports of ticks showing up in large numbers this week. Reports range from numerous ticks on a single dog to several found crawling on people after taking a walk around the property.
Most of these ticks have been the American Dog Tick, or Dermacentor variabilis, the most common tick in Indiana. There are about 10 to 15 different species of ticks that live in Indiana. This tick can be identified easily by the light and dark brown color patterns on its body.
Ticks possess harpoon-like barbs along their mouths that are backed up with eight crablike legs along their one-piece, oval bodies. These physical features help to hold them to the host they feed upon.
The American dog tick has a complicated life cycle. Specifically, each development stage feeds on a different host. As soon as the eggs hatch, usually in the early spring, the small six-legged larvae attach and feed on small mammals, such as the white-footed mouse and the meadow vole. After less than a week, they dislodge from their host, shed their skin, and begin to develop another pair of legs. The second host is another small rodent, which will give the tick enough nourishment to grow to an adult size. The adult ticks mate and then feed on larger mammals, including dogs and humans. Adults are most abundant from mid-April to mid-July. Female ticks are known to lay a lot of eggs.
American dog ticks prefer overgrown vacant lots, waste farm fields, hiking trails, and other habitats with tall grass and weeds. They wait on these plants for a suitable host to brush against them. At that point they use their barbs and claws to latch on. Once on a suitable host, they crawl upward and take a blood meal.
The best way to prevent outdoor tick exposure is to wear protective clothing and repellents. When possible, stay on established trails, and avoid brushing against vegetation. Wear light-colored clothing, long pants, and long-sleeved shirts so that ticks can be more easily seen. Tuck in your shirt, and pull your socks over the pant cuffs.
Insect repellent can be applied to your shoes, socks, and pants. Effective tick repellents are those containing diethyl toluamide or permethrin. Occasionally check yourself and your children for ticks, especially on the head, groin, and underarm area. Showering after coming indoors may help remove ticks that have not yet attached to the skin. Inspect pets after they have been outdoors, and remove ticks found.