Medieval Ballads At WCPL
By Valeria Fisher
Adult Program Administrator, Warsaw Community Public Library
There is something about old music. It has the power to tap into a part of our humanity that is hidden from our modern point of view. The music from the Appalachian Mountains might seem to take us back to an earlier, simpler time in American history, but in fact much of it reaches back to a time before the dawn of the American colonies, before Europeans ever discovered this continent.
Many of our folk songs stretch back through many centuries to medieval Britain. They were sung by the peasant farmers of England and Scotland, passed on from one singer to another for 700 or 800 years. John Bahler sings these songs of love and tragedy and tells a part of the tale of their journey across the ocean and down through time.
As both a professional musician and a professional teacher, he promises to bring an excellent program that provides a stark but touching picture of a long lost world. Don’t miss it, program is from 6 p.m. to 7:30 p.m. Tuesday, June 30, at the Warsaw Community Public Library. Please register by calling (574) 267-6011 or going on line to