LRSD Starts Billing Process
NORTH WEBSTER — The Lakeland Regional Sewer District Board meeting Thursday, Aug. 6, was largely spent ironing out wrinkles in its billing process. Jennifer Ransbottom of Jones Petrie Rafinski Corporation, the firm handling LRSD billing, was on hand to assist with what Treasurer Mike DeWald called, “the new world that we live in.”
Ransbottom reported complaints about the “short turnaround,” 15 days, and some residents “don’t know why they’re getting billed in advance.”1,160 invoices were sent out for a total of $23,740. As of the end of July $8,011.40 had been collected. “That’s common in the first month,” Ransbottom stated.
The board agreed the 15 day turnaround was too short and passed a motion to widen the pay window from 15 to 30 days. Bills will be mailed by the 10th and due at the end of the same month. Attorney Andrew Boxberger was instructed to change the wording in the ordinance regarding late penalties from “shall” to “may”, enabling the district to waive late fees associated with the change.
The board also considered methods of dealing with non-payment of bills. After discussing ways of shutting off service with Casey Erwin of DLZ Construction Services, the company overseeing construction, which included disconnect boxes and shut-off valves, the board agreed with member Bob Sanders who stated, “We have a remedy in place,” a system of late-fees and, if non-payment continues, the right to place a lien on the property.
Ransbottom added that in her experience with other districts, liens succeeded in producing an almost “100 percent collection rate”, though initial liens “take a little time.” A motion was passed to leave the lien process in place.
The board also approved payment of invoices to Seldge Construction and Advanced Rehabilitation Technology for services rendered.
Seldge submitted a request for $370,270.03 for work in section A in the northwest section of the district. Seldge will begin installing grinder stations, the locations of which are marked by stakes, in section A in the next 30 days. Seldge also requested payment of $116,456.46 for work in section B, mostly along S.R. 13, where grinders have been staked.
Advanced Rehabilitation Technology requested $45,125 for mobilization in section C, which will include approximately 250 grinder stations.
Construction of the water treatment plant has been slow starting due to soil composition Erwin described as “quite challenging.” He believed work should be started by Aug. 15.
Erwin also reported 20 percent feedback from property owners in the field or LRSD office about the number and location of stakes indicating grinder station locations. Changes to these could affect overall cost due to amount of pipe and labor. Erwin noted the district doesn’t have a “huge buffer” to compensate for changes. DLZ will be keeping monthly totals and ensuring inspectors are in line with quantities.
Board President Jim Haney indicated DLZ needs to finalize and electrical and plumbing specifications, stating he didn’t feel comfortable sending an unfinished draft to property owners.
In treasurer reports, DeWald was “happy to report” a zero balance on the Bond Anticipation Note, which the board uses for short term financing. The construction administration phase has started, with the Lake City Bank account servicing United States Department of Agriculture deposits.
A new bank account was opened at Interra Credit Union in Syracuse to handle JPR deposits.
Steve Carter of Carter, Dillon, Umbaugh LLC. will oversee monthly reports to the board on its various bank accounts, which currently hold a cash total of $81,000.