Center For Lakes And Streams Hosts Interpretive Hike
Communications Specialist, Center For Lakes and Streams
WARSAW — The Center for Lakes and Streams is hosting an annual interpretive hike this Saturday, Oct. 24 beginning at the Lake City Greenway, through Heritage Trail. The hike will begin at 9 a.m. at the Greenway entrance. Participants should meet at the Heritage Trail parking lot at the end of Boys City Drive.
The hike will be led by Luke Hunt, a certified naturalist in Indiana and retired secondary science educator from the Whitko school district. Hunt was also an adjunct professor at Grace College. The hike is open to participants of all ages and fitness levels.
The annual hike is an opportunity for community members to learn about species native to Indiana, identify local trees and plants, study birds and their fall migration habits, as well as learn how to protect our watershed. Hikers will learn how the stream functions as part of the forest ecosystem as they walk the trail along the stream. Other natural features along Heritage Trail will be noted on the hike.
Participants are encouraged to dress according to weather conditions. In the case of inclement weather, cancellation to the event will be announced on the Center for Lakes and Streams Facebook page and via Twitter.
The Center for Lakes and Streams at Grace College conducts applicable research, engages and educates residents, and collaborates with other organizations in efforts to make the lakes and streams of Kosciusko County cleaner. For more information or to support their efforts, visit