Numerous Kids Helped With BAKFC
Kosciusko County Builders Association
WARSAW — The Builders Association Coats for Kids project has been wrapped up for another year. Last week, the Builders Association Kosciusko Fulton Counties members delivered 404 coats to the 18 elementary schools in Kosciusko and Fulton Counties. Since 1996, the Builders Association members have donated and supported this cause, providing the money to purchase and deliver over 6,200 brand new coats to elementary schools. With this year’s purchases, the total amount spent has exceeded $134,000.
This year the coats were purchased exclusively at Meijer in Warsaw. The Warsaw Meijer management team gathered the coats and helped the Builders Association successfully provide new coats for children in need. The kind assistance provided by the Warsaw Meijer is greatly appreciated. The Builders Association also truly appreciates all of the sponsors, members, and volunteers that helped in providing warmth for children this year. May those that made this philanthropic outreach possible feel the caring warmth that their support has provided for these children in need.
Builders Association Kosciusko Fulton Counties is a not for profit membership organization dedicated to the enhancement of the building industry. Affordable housing, member education, and community philanthropy are main areas of focus.
Membership in the Builders Association Kosciusko Fulton Counties automatically includes membership in the Indiana Builders Association and the National Association of Home Builders, all inclusive. Visit for further information.