Elkhart County Seeing Increased Suicide Rates
Coroner, Elkhart County
ELKHART COUNTY — The Elkhart County Coroners’ Office has seen a disturbing increase in suicides this year.
To date we have already investigated 27 suicides. The most we have previously investigated in one year was 19. We have also had an unexplained increase in one manner of suicide in particular. We feel in would be a good idea to get this information out so the public is aware there is help available for those that are considering suicide. There is a suicide prevention coalition in Elkhart County and suicide hotlines offered by the state of Indiana.
The Elkhart County Coroners’ Office is also on track to investigate a record total number of cases for a single year. Our previous record number of cases investigated is 232 in 2011. To date we have investigated 230 cases this year with 16 days left in the year.
For a list of suicide hotlines around Indiana, visit suicide.org.