TCRSD Approves Pay Increases For Upcoming Work Year
CROMWELL — Turkey Creek Regional Sewer District board and committee members met for the final time for the 2015 year. The board gathered at the Cromwell office Monday night, Dec. 21, after gathering for dinner and drinks at The Sleepy Owl Supper Club for the company’s Christmas celebration.
The board heard many updates from Timothy Woodward, TCRSD superintendent, including a detailed account of his recent maintenance on the leaking pipe that led to a boil order for the district. Woodward explained the process of shutting off water and draining the large water tanks, refilling them with the correct balance of air and water, and how it was all put back together and repaired.
As Woodward explained, the question in each board member’s mind seemed to be, “What if it happens again?” Woodward noted he would be making a detailed guide on how to do repairs on the water plant in case he is ever gone.
On a similar note, the district approved increased wages and salaries for the 2016 year for employees of Turkey Creek Regional Sewer District, with Jim Young noting, “We felt like they (are) going to go through a little more this year than last year.” Each employee received a 2 percent stipend check. The board also heard Woodward’s recommendation on a new hire for the laboratory position. He recommended the board follow through with his suggestion to hire a young, trainable man who is well-versed in modern technology. The board accepted his recommendation, and Woodward will be making plans to start the new employee by the first of the new year.
Engineer Brian Houghton, Woodward, and district attorney Dick Green laid out a plan to allow Niblock to provide additional services to the customers at a cost solely to the homeowner. The company is already contracted to connect sewer lines from the forcemain to the homeowner’s property through the district, but will offer to connect the sewer line from the check valve to the grinder pump, a responsibility assigned to the homeowner. Niblock will send out letters to each homeowner to offer the service, which will be done separately from the district’s project and costs. A representative from the district will inspect the work to ensure it is done to specifications outlined by the district.
Houghton also presented good news to the district; the wastewater treatment plant is more than two months ahead of schedule thanks to the great weather.
In other business:
- The district approved an insurance plan for the 2016-17 period
- The public has requested a list of contractors in the area whom they may contact for services, and the district has agreed to put one together. Each candidate will be pre-approved based on insurance and performance bonds
- The metal roof was successfully installed at the Cromwell buildings, and was completed ahead of schedule