Y Taking T-Ball Registrations
WARSAW – Registration runs until April 24 for T-ball for ages three to first grade at the Kosciusko Community YMCA.
It’s easy to sign up and a membership to the Y is not required. The Y’s T-ball program is a safe environment for children to learn practical and social skills and develop positive values. Kids want to exert energy, discover who they are and what they can achieve and be accepted; the Y is the place they can do that. Modified rules and equipment will be used to ensure the greatest opportunity for your child to succeed.
The league offers two divisions, one for ages 3-4 and one for those age 5 to first grade. Division I will have no outs so the younger children can learn how to run the bases.
Practices and games will be held on Saturdays either at the Y sports fields or Harrison Elementary School. In addition to being a good opportunity for kids, T-ball will also give parents the opportunity to take an active role as a coach.
Register at either of our YMCA branches or online at www.kcymca.org. Registration will be open until April 24. The first game will be May 7 and the last June 18. Contact Zane Gard with any questions at (574) 269-9622.