Oakwood Cemetery Talks Road Repairs
WARSAW — Road repairs, facility upgrades and equipment trade-ins were the topics of the cemetery board meeting Thursday, April 7.
Oakwood Cemetery Sexton Hal Heagy talked to the board about road repairs that need to be taken care of. He said, “If we don’t get them fixed now we’re going to have some major problems.” Heagy told the board there is $90,000 in the cemetery’s permanent fund and he will spend part of that on road repair. Heagy said the cemetery is going to “piggyback” on Warsaw Street Superintendent Jeff Beeler’s purchase of asphalt because it may reduce the cost.
Heagy said every two to three years, the cemetery trades in one of their three mowers. This trade-in netted an Exmark zero turn, 60-inch deck mower from Bobcat of Warsaw. “It’s a better device for what we’re doing and for as many hours as we’re on a mower,” said Heagy. The Exmark has full-body and leg suspension, so back problems won’t be a problem any longer, according to Heagy.
In May Heagy said the cemetery will have a new 1-ton dump truck and a new pickup truck. Both vehicles are from 1998.
In other business:
- Heagy reported all the Christmas lights have been taken down and put away and the stump grinding has been finished.
- The public facilities have been painted and new light fixtures added. “It’s a little more appealing to use,” said Heagy.
- Warsaw Fiber will have the cemeteries Wi-Fi up and running by next week.