This Dog Watches Dog Videos To Calm Down
FREMONT, CALIF. — Like many dogs (and some humans), an adorable golden retriever named Joey gets frightened by fireworks. That means July 4th was a particularly stressful day for Joey, so his owner’s mother found the perfect way to help him relax.
The three second, heart-melting video shows Joey wearing a pair of headphones in front of an iPad and chilling out by doing the same thing most of us do to relax–watching dog videos.
Owner Emily Kuang, 18, from Fremont, Calif., tweeted the short video of six-year-old Joey, which instantly had people wondering why the room just got so dusty. But let’s face it, life looks pretty good for Joey, who often gets the royal treatment from his family!
While it’s no surprise that Joey got spooked by the annual Fourth of July fireworks, it’s often an issue for more than just dogs.
“The Fourth really can be a scary day for all animals,” DogVacay pet expert, Nicole Ellis, of the popular online pet-sitting community told TODAY before the holiday weekend.
“Owners may think their dog will be fine, but it’s best to be prepared.”
Pets can be so startled that they run off, as shelters report a spike in finding lost animals between July 4 and July 6.
“Shelter numbers increase for cats and dogs during summer months in general,” Emily Weiss, vice president of research and development at the American Society for the Prevention of Cruelty to Animals, told TODAY. “Owners find pets get lost in ways they don’t expect them to, but ‘stuff happens’ at any time, so plan for it.”
Source: TODAY