Hochstetler Awarded FFA Blue Jacket
SYRACUSE — National FFA Foundation awarded an official FFA jacket to Gynnae Hochstetler, a member of the Wawasee FFA Chapter.
Clunette Elevator together with Syngenta participated in the FFA blue jacket program as a special project of the National FFA Foundation to make the award possible.
The FFA blue corduroy jacket is the most recognized symbol of the National FFA Organization and worn only by student members. The FFA blue jacket program began with Syngenta in 2008 and awarded 40 blue jackets in its inaugural year. Recently the program has grown to provide more than 190 FFA blue jackets annually to deserving members.
Syngenta challenged its retail partners to contribute an amount to be matched by Syngenta as part of its support to the National FFA Organization. In recognition of each retailer’s contribution, the Wawasee FFA Chapter selected by the Syngenta retail partner Clunette Elevator received an official FFA blue jacket and a $750 donation check.