David Kolbe To Present “Cuba, Past, Present And Future” At The WCPL
WARSAW — David C. Kolbe has announced the second in a series of public presentations at the Warsaw Community Public Library. At 6:30 p.m. Tuesday, March 21, he will present “Cuba, past, present and future”.
In 2002 Kolbe travelled to Havana and Varadero, Cuba, as part of a legal delegation sponsored by People to People International. The organization was created by former President Dwight Eisenhower as a part of the United States Information Agency and was later converted to a non-governmental entity. Its mission is to enhance international understanding and friendship through cultural, educational, and humanitarian activities.
Kolbe will address Cuba’s history and current affairs. Included in the presentation will be a photographic media display of the island and its people.
The public is invited and there is no charge.