Approval Recommended For Growing Kids Rezoning
WARSAW — Growing Kids Learning Center operates several day care centers in northern Indiana and wants to put a new one in Warsaw. During the regular monthly meeting of the Kosciusko County Area Planning Commission Wednesday, Aug. 2, in Warsaw, Growing Kids petitioned to have property on CR 200N in Plain Township rezoned from industrial II to commercial.
More specifically, the property is on the north side of 200 North, east of Biomet Drive and north of US 30. Greg Kil of Kil Architecture Planning said Zimmer Biomet is the contingent seller of the property.
Concern was expressed when the technical committee reviewed the petition days prior to the APC meeting. It was noted the soils may not be good for development of this type and a sewer system would be recommended rather than a septic system. Zimmer Biomet has a private sewer system nearby to the north, but whether or not it can be tapped into remains to be seen.
Mike Kissinger of the planning commission asked if road access could possibly come off Bell Drive nearby instead of CR 200N, which he noted is a “nightmare” during the morning hours. Growing Kids wants to have access as far away as possible from the main turnoff for safety reasons and to allow as much room as possible.
It was also noted Growing Kids will face much more scrutiny from the state because it is a day care with children involved and the sale of the property is contingent upon all the required permits being approved. The APC eventually recommended approval for the rezoning, which will now be considered by the county commissioners Tuesday, Aug. 22.
In other business, a bit of local history was made, though not necessarily intentionally. The APC approved the vacation of a portion of lots and streets in the plat of Kinsey, a small, unincorporated “ghost” community in Jackson Township never really developing for various reasons. Gary and Cristy Young petitioned for the vacation and own property on the north side of CR 950S.
Dan Richard, area planning director, noted there were only three lots remaining from the original plat of Kinsey and since they have been vacated, Kinsey no longer exists. “It’s kind of sad, but there goes Kinsey,” he noted.
He also clarified Indiana law allows the planning commission to be the final authority with vacations when the roads involved were never developed. The Youngs plan to sell the property and the new owner does not want to be restricted by lot lines.
Also on the agenda, the APC recommended approval to rezone 17.144 acres from agricultural to residential on the west side of Turkey Creek Road, south of CR 1100N in Turkey Creek Township. Steve Snyder, attorney representing the petitioner Sailing Rendezvous, said the petitioner has tried to develop the property for several years but finally came up with a concerted effort to move forward with development.
He noted there would be between six to eight lakefront lots roughly 300 feet deep with some development to the rear, though it would be hindered by the county funneling ordinance. It could possibly be developed with storage condos.
County commissioners will consider the petition at their Aug. 22 meeting.
One final plat for Rodney Delong was approved by the APC. He is developing a two-lot subdivision in Washington Township near the intersection of county roads 400 South and 600 East. He is dividing 21 acres into a 7 acre lot he plans to build a house on and then will sell the other 14 acres.
The APC also recommended approval for a roadway vacation of Bonar Alley near Bonar Lake in Turkey Creek Township. The petitioners are George Xanders III and his wife Ann and St. John Homes. It is located in the Wildwood Park subdivision.
County commissioners will consider the petition at their Aug. 22 meeting.