Norfolk Southern Delivers Rail Work Update
WARSAW — Rail work did not begin yesterday, April 24, as planned said the office of the Warsaw mayor in a press release today. According to the press release, the rail train has been unable to leave Fort Wayne for three days due to traffic on the rails. They do not have a definitive date for the rail train to arrive, but they do not expect anything to happen in Warsaw until Monday or Tuesday of next week, April 30 or May 1 at the earliest.
The first rail train will also extend further into Warsaw than originally planned, the press release continued. It will reach from north of Claypool to Fort Wayne Street in Warsaw. The second rail train, projected to arrive two to 14 days, will begin at Fort Wayne Street and work northward.
“As I receive further updates, I will keep this group updated, as well,” said the mayor’s office. “Norfolk Southern will be keeping both me and dispatch informed of progress, closures, and any extended closures should problems arise.”
Here is some additional detail from Norfolk Southern about the unloading process that a few of you may find helpful, said the press release:
When the train comes, it will lay rail in the trenches at approx. five mph.
The train will make a short stop each quarter mile to attach the strands of rail together. When the train passes, the rail will be in the trenches immediately following the passage of the train. Once the rail is in the trench, vehicles will be able to drive across the trenches at a slow speed as needed. We will have people staged in downtown so that vehicles pass over slowly. We will need to rip out trenches on Hickory Street before the rail train arrives so that the rail can lay down in our trenches.
Traffic should be able to pass while we do this. We will have cold mix asphalt and rock staged to fill the trenches after the rail is delivered and will continue to repair as needed. I still think that 15 minute time frame is accurate for stoppages at the crossings.