Lilly Foundation doubles Syracuse-Wawasee trails grant
SYRACUSE — At the monthly meeting of the Syracuse-Wawasee Trails Committee Monday, Nov. 19, Executive Director Megan McClellan informed members the Ruth Lilly Philanthropic Foundation doubled its previous $150,000 grant to the Conklin Bay trail construction project, bringing its total donation to $300,000. The endowment comes in response to higher than expected costs, roughly $2 million compared to the $1.2 million projected by engineering firm Earth Source.
“This is a huge step in the right direction,” said McClellan of the donation.
In an attempt to bring costs down, and to facilitate the bidding process, Pulver Asphalt Paving, one of the contractors bidding on the Conklin Bay project, suggested holding a special meeting where all sides could present their ideas for shaving costs. Committee members agreed to a meeting tentatively scheduled for 6 p.m., Dec. 10.
Among the cost-saving measures suggested at the Nov. 19 meeting was using asphalt or crushed rock instead of concrete. Crushed rock, unlike asphalt, could be easily upgraded to concrete later; however, it also poses higher maintenance costs and is not as bike-friendly.
Other tentative changes included the elimination of a planned overlook and setting some helical piers at 15 feet or less, rather than the recommended 30 feet; however, McClellan pointed out some donations were specifically earmarked for the overlook. Another committee member expressed skepticism the piers could be safely secured at 15 feet.
Such are the conundrums the committee will face as it tries to lower the Conklin Bay trail price tag.
On the fundraising side of the equation, McClellan urged members to take advantage of an upcoming Giving Tuesday 2018 event. Facebook and Paypal are supporting charitable giving Nov. 27, the Tuesday following Thanksgiving Day, by matching up to $7 million in donations made through Facebook using Paypal. Any donations made will be doubled. According to McClellan, this is the only matching grant opportunity currently available for Syracuse-Wawasee Trails.
With the Conklin Trail getting closer to completion, a subcommittee dedicated to new trails has been formed. Among its tasks will be to create a survey to find the community’s preferences.
The committee plans to apply for a grant from the Safe Routes to Park Partnership, which could be used to connect Laudeman Park to Syracuse-Wawasee Trail.
Other new trail possibilities include connecting Vawter Park or Enchanted Hills; the latter option is one favored by the K21 Foundation, according to McClellan.
November’s volunteer of the month is Angie Racolta. Racolta recently completed a new trails brochure, which can be found in Syracuse at the community center and public library, as well as the Kosciusko County Convention and Visitors Bureau and Visitors Center in Warsaw.
Upcoming events: Walk/Yoga, 8:50 a.m., every Thursday, Community Center; Winter Warm-Up 5K, Jan. 26, 2019, Old Syracuse Elementary School, registration at 6:30 a.m., run at 8 p.m.