Marketing Assistance Loan For Corn, Soybean Deadline Approaching
News Release
WARSAW – May 31, 2020, is the deadline to request a MAL Commodity Loan for 2019 corn and soybeans.
Jamie Garriott, County Executive Director of the Kosciusko County Farm Service Agency (FSA), reminds producers that in order to apply the grain must be in the storage structure and in good condition. A UCC must be filed with the Secretary of State prior to issuing the loan. This may take up to 10 days to be processed.
If a loan has not been requested for 2019 crops please apply early to ensure the UCC is updated by May 31st.
To schedule an appointment please contact the local office at 574-267-7445.
For more information about the MAL program please visit your local FSA county office or visit