Supports McConnell
Dear Editor,
My name is Tim Keyes, and I am a born and raised resident of Warsaw and chose to stay and help make our city a better place after finishing college. I have a great friend and ally in this effort: Travis McConnell.
I met him by chance, recommended to his law practice for some assistance. Travis took the time to find a different person who could best help us, and let us meet with her in his offices, at no charge. That said something to me about his integrity. As we became friends, I also noted his continuous efforts to grow and better our community, from organizing and leading public celebrations of our citizens and their vibrant differences to seeing young offenders as people who could be helped to improve themselves and have a positive effect on our city. I have seen him do this not just with suits, ties, and words, but with his hands and sweat on hot asphalt so others could benefit.
This personal integrity and behavior to benefit all of us as a city and county is exactly the kind of leadership we need in these trying times. That’s why I endorse Travis McConnell for county commissioner, and encourage you, also, to do so.
Tim Keyes