Banks And Walorski Should Resign
Dear Editor,
US Congressional Reps. Jim Banks and Jackie Walorksi must resign for their failed attempt to upend the rule of law.
By signing their names to the Texas attorney general’s fraudulent attempt to reverse the legal votes of millions of Americans they have abrogated the oath they took to support and defend the Constitution of the United States and to bear true faith and allegiance to the same. Banks and Walorksi, along with many Republicans, chose blind faith to a would-be dictator over their obligation to support The Constitution.
The hypocrisy of their words and actions is astounding. Banks cosponsored The Build The Wall, Enforce The Law Act of 2018, yet in 2020 he cared nothing about the law when he signed on to overturn an election. It was only in September of this year when Walorksi applauded Trump for appointing justices “who will faithfully uphold the rule of law”. Three months later she joined with Republicans to throw out legally cast votes.
The actions of Banks and Walorksi will not be forgotten by voters. Both should resign now, or face defeat in the next election.
Robert Osbun