Warsaw Library’s Winter Reading Program Starts Jan. 4
By Ann Jackson
Information Services
WARSAW — Warsaw Community Public Library is hosting their winter reading program from Jan. 4 to Feb. 27, and just like the ever popular summer reading program, winter reading is for everyone.
There will be fun activities and prizes for readers of all ages, plus all reading counts toward your prize goals. Do you only listen to audiobooks? Those count. Do you only have time to read to your children? That is a double win because it counts for both the child and the person reading to them. And the reading format list goes on and on — eBooks, comic books, eAudiobooks, textbooks — you name it and you can count it toward winter reading program prizes.
Children’s Services will have a Winter Reading Bingo sheet available to print online or pick up from the library. Prizes will be given for the first and second Bingos plus an extra prize and free book if children complete the entire Bingo sheet. Bingo activities include reading different types of books or doing different activities at home. There will also be three grand prize baskets that children can enter to win. These include a toddler toy basket, an art basket that includes a $20 gift certificate to Pottery Bayou and a Kindle Fire.
For teens and adults, registration and logging can be done either online or with a paper log sheet. Logs will be available to print online or pick up from the library as well. Grab bag prizes can be earned for every 500 pages read up to 10,000. Stop in frequently to check out the prizes. They may change throughout the program depending on availability. Teens and adults will also get the chance to enter to win Kindle Fires or various gift baskets.
Join in the fun at the Warsaw Community Public Library and sign up for the winter reading program starting Jan. 4. And if you’re struggling to find something good to read, check out the library’s “Book Recommendation Monday” posts on Instagram or ask a librarian for a good book recommendation.