Concerns With CRT
Dear Editor,
I am greatly concerned about the misinformation on Critical Race Theory.
Critical Race Theory is designed by race warmongers who clearly want to divide folks and caste system creation by supposedly racial color.
However, the Bible never mentions race, it only mentions tribes and nations and tells us “we are all of one blood”. We all come from Adam and Eve, all have almost identical DNA and all people are God’s masterpieces. Jesus Christ proclaims that each man should love his neighbor as himself. The Christian considers that all neighbors matter and that treating everyone just like you expect to be treated is the way to live.
This goes along with what Martin Luther King preached when he said people should be looked at by character, not color. Critical Race Theory divides people into color categories and places untrue negatives upon anyone who is white. Of course in the world, there has always been tremendous racism and it exists all over the world today.
The USA however is based on the Christian concept that all men are created equal and this applies to every neighbor you have. The best philosophy is the one taught by Jesus Christ with 2 rules, love God Totally, love your neighbor as yourself. Race is based on secular evolutionary thinking where there are differences between races. This philosophy is totally wrong and has been the source of much evil throughout the past few hundred years of evolution. The Bible tells us we all were created from Adam and that we are the same.
Anyone who is preaching critical race theory is preaching against Christianity and the concept of loving your neighbor as yourself. It is evil and I personally stand against it.
Steve Matthews