Tippy-Chapman Sewer Offered Federal Funds
By Deb Patterson
NORTH WEBSTER — An emergency meeting of the Tippecanoe-Chapman Regional Sewer District will be held at 10 a.m. this morning, Wednesday, Sept. 29. The emergency meeting will be to take action on accepting $11.6 million in grant money and $25 million in low interest loans from the United States Department of Agricultural Department of Rural Development.
The meeting will be held at the Lakeland Regional Sewer District Office, 5002 E. 100N, Warsaw, due to the scheduled closure of the North Webster Community Center.
Officials of the district learned late Tuesday USDA Rural Development had monies left over in its fiscal year budget. The government agency is making the money available to the district for the upcoming project. However, acceptance of the funds must be made by noon today or the funds will be lost. Such a loss would be devastating to the district customers.