The Town of Syracuse, Indiana is soliciting responses to a “REQUEST FOR PROPOSALS” (RFP) for the implementation of a Guaranteed Savings Contract for improvements within their water and wastewater systems.
The responses to the RFP will provide a means by which the Town of Syracuse will select a single licensed Indiana Provider to complete a Guaranteed Savings Contract. The final executed Guaranteed Savings Contract shall comply with IC 36-1-12.5, the guidelines herein this RFP, and the Contract Documents and other information provided by the Town.
The RFP guidelines for this Guaranteed Savings Contract may be obtained from Commonwealth Engineers, Inc., 9604 Coldwater Road, Suite 203, Fort Wayne, Indiana 46825. The guidelines obtained from the Engineer further define the project scope; however, a general project scope consists of an 8-inch water main loop; 6-inch force main extension; new lift station; new digester mixing system; new influent pumps; and structure connecting a post aeration and effluent metering structure, and all other work required for the complete operation of the improvements as shown.
Indiana Providers responding to the RFP shall submit six (6) copies of their Proposal in a sealed package to the following address:
Town Hall, 310 N. Huntington Street, Syracuse, Indiana 46567
Proposals must be received no later than 2:00 PM (local time) on December 13, 2022 at the above address. Any proposals received after that time will not be accepted.
Proposals must be submitted in the format outlined in the RFP package that is available to any interested Indiana Providers. Each Proposal will be reviewed to determine if it is complete prior to evaluation; final Proposal evaluation (scoring) by the Town are described in detail in the RFP package. The Town of Syracuse reserves the right to reject any and all Proposals and to be the sole judge of the value and merit of the Proposals offered.