Wawasee School Board Hears KEDCO Update For South Shore Project
By Caleigh Byrer
SYRACUSE — The Wawasee School Corporation Board of Trustees inducted two new members and received an update from Kosciusko Economic Development Corporation on the South Shore project, south of Syracuse, at its meeting Tuesday, Jan. 10.
Steven Baut, District 3, and Neil Likens, District 1, officially took their places on the board after attorney Tim Shelly administered
the oath of office and gave congratulations. Andy Cripe, District 2, retained his seat and recited the oath of office to enter his second term on the board.
“Many of us do serve in some form, but few do it in the manner you have chosen. … Subjecting yourself to repeated challenges and criticism, spending untold hours at meetings and activities, receiving only meager financial compensation, all for the betterment of your and future of your community’s children and the collective future of the Wawasee community. For that you should be extremely proud, greatly commended and sincerely thanked,” Shelly said.
Don Bokhart was elected president of the board, Mike Wilson was elected vice president and Andy Cripe was elected secretary.
Project engineer Terry Sweeney and Greg Fitzloff represented KEDCO in attendance at the meeting to provide further information on what residential tax increment financing is and why the project is relevant to the school district.
Sweeney estimated that 100 single family homes would be built on the north side of the South Shore project and stated that with an open job market as well as an open housing market, expansion can be expected.
Sweeney stated in a local evaluation of inventory using Zillow, “there are only 44 homes on the market right now between the price of $200-$400,000. Of those, nine are in Turkey Creek Township and there are only a handful-less than 10 I think- located in the school district. That is a real tight housing supply.”
Using Polywood as an example, Sweeney pointed out there is an active job market in Syracuse that is currently unable to meet staffing needs; Many places are employing individuals who drive from up to an hour away because they cannot find local housing.
If there is already significant traffic through the area, it is sensible to consider the benefits of creating more housing options.
A financial impact statement is currently being drafted for the board to review, which will likely be before the February meeting. Upon receiving the document, the board will be able to give or withhold their support for the project.
The board approved a proposal stating Middlebury Electrical, Inc., would complete the necessary electrical work for lighting on the Warrior Field with a charge of $71,400. Other areas within the school district will be considered for installation of the old or unused lighting equipment.
The board also approved the use of Nimble, a statewide job board, to take the place of TalentEd as a forum to post their position openings. Dr. Shelly Wilfong and Superintendent Steve Troyer stated that Nimble is widely used, user friendly and free of cost for the time being.
The girls basketball team and Coach Derek Gilreath received the IHSAA Exemplary Behavior Report for their sportsmanship during the Holiday Shootout games. The boys basketball team and Coach Everingham also received the IHSAA Exemplary Behavior Report for their sportsmanship during the Angola game.
The corporation received one $2,000 donation to the Wawasee High School super mileage team from Douglas and Jeanine Schrock.
During other business, the board approved:
- Employment of Michelle Hoover as cafeteria worker; Talana Rhodes as cafeteria worker; Victoria Vazquez as North Webster remediation and speech paraprofessional or temporary 8th grade science/social studies teacher;
- Transfer of Addison Ayers from North Webster paraprofessional to Wawasee Middle School temporary special education teacher; Roxanne Gonzalez from Syracuse Elementary LLI paraprofessional to EL teacher;
- Resignation of Michelle Kerlin, FACS teacher.