The New Birth
By The Rev. Ron Purkey
Guest Columnist
Read: John 3:1-21
“For God so loved the world, that he gave his only begotten Son, that whosoever believeth in him should not perish, but have everlasting life.” (John 3:16)
This is perhaps the most important chapter in John’s Gospel, for it deals with the subject of the new birth. Some religious groups have so confused this subject that many average church members, let alone religious leaders like Nicodemus, have no idea what it means to be born again.
First, The Necessity For The New Birth (John 3:1-5). It’s necessary to see (experience) the kingdom of God (verse 3). Nicodemus was a moral, religious man, one of the chief teachers (rulers) of the Jews, yet he did not understand the truth about the new birth. Spiritual truths cannot be grasped by the carnal mind of a sinful person (see 1 Corinthians 2:10-14). Nicodemus came “by night,” a symbol of the unsaved person; he is “in the dark” spiritually (see Ephesians 4:18 and 2 Corinthians 4:3-6). Being religious and moral does not make a person fit for heaven; we must be born again, that is, born from above.
It’s necessary to enter the kingdom of God (verse 5). When a sinner trusts Christ, he or she enters God’s kingdom and family. Ever since Adam’s sin in Genesis 3, all people have been born outside paradise. Only by being born again can we enter the kingdom of God.
Second, The Basis For The New Birth (John 3:14-21). Christ had to die (verses 14-17). Christ again refers Nicodemus to the OT, this time Numbers 21, the account of the brazen serpent. The serpents were biting the Jews and killing them, and the strange solution to the problem was found when Moses made a serpent of brass! Looking to the serpent in faith brought healing. In like manner, Jesus Christ was made sin for us, for it was sin that was killing us. As we look to Christ by faith, we are saved. Christ had to die before people could be born again; his death and resurrection brings life. What a paradox!
Third, How To Receive The New Birth (John 3:18-21). Faith in Christ is the only means of salvation. God’s command to Moses in Numbers 21 was not that he kill the snakes, make a salve for the wounds, or try to protect the Jews from being bitten. It was that he lift up the brazen serpent and tell people to look by faith. Not to look meant condemnation; faith meant salvation. John here goes back to John 1:4-13, the symbolism of light and life, darkness and death. Sinners not only live in darkness, but they love the darkness, and refuse to come to the light where their sins will be exposed and can be forgiven.
It is evident that Nicodemus came “out of the dark” and finally became a born-again believer. In John 19:38-42 we see Nicodemus in the daylight of confession, openly identifying himself with Jesus Christ.
Read Ron Purkey’s Bible study outlines free at Purkey has been an ordained Baptist minister for 50 years.