McCall Named Distinguished Young Woman of Fulton County
News Release
FULTON — Sophie McCall is the 2025 Distinguished Young Woman of Fulton County.
The Rochester High School student beat out four other girls for the title on Sunday, Nov. 24, at Caston High School.
She moves on to the state contest along with 2025 Distinguished Young Woman of Cass County Danielle Gomez, 2025 Distinguished Young Woman of Winamac JeeAnne Peterson and 2025 Distinguished Young Woman of Pulaski County Emily Weaver. Gomez was selected after the contest on Saturday, Nov. 23, at Caston, and Peterson and Weaver were chosen after their contests were also held on Nov. 24 at Caston.
Each of the four won $1,000 scholarships. Gomez attends Kokomo High School, and Peterson and Weaver both go to Winamac High School.
Additionally for Fulton County, first runner-up was Tippecanoe Valley High School student Taylor Owens, who won a $750 scholarship; and second runner-up was Caston student Jessica Taylor, who received a $500 scholarship.
McCall also got $1,000 extra in scholarship money for winning the scholastic, interview, self-expression and talent categories. Owens received an additional $500 in scholarship money for winning the spirit and fitness categories. Taylor won $250 in scholarship funds for being the winner of the “Be Your Best Self” essay contest.
Other Fulton County contestants included Maddie Sprow and Mackenzie Bauknecht, both of Caston High School, who got $100 each in scholarship money.
For Cass County, the first runner-up was Pioneer High School’s Keirsten Nies, who received $750 in scholarship funds, with second runner-up Lewis Cass High School student Maryn Zeck getting $500 of scholarship money.
Gomez also won the interview, talent and fitness categories, receiving $750 more in scholarship funds. Nies won the spirit and scholastic categories, gaining $500 additionally for college money.
Other Cass County contestants included Logansport High School student Wendy Matias-Pablo who won $250 in scholarship money for her “Be Your Best Self” essay, Logansport High School student Madison Zimmerer who won $250 for the self-expression category and Lewis Cass High School student Jeni Romero who got $250 in scholarship money for the talent category.
Five other Cass County girls who competed, Makenna Strycker of Pioneer High School, Nataly Lopez of Lewis Cass High School, Myley Edwards of Logansport High School, Alexa Sanchez-Agreda of Logansport High School and Valeria Cortes of Logansport High School, each got $100 scholarships.
In the Winamac competition, Peterson gained an additional $1,250 in scholarship money for winning the “Be Your Best Self” essay, scholastic, interview, self-expression and talent categories. In the Pulaski County competition, Weaver got $250 extra for winning the fitness category.