North Webster Budget Drops By $22,000
NORTH WEBSTER — It was 2016 budget hearing night for the North Webster Town Council Tuesday evening, Sept. 15.
The budget was reduced by $22,000 from 2015. The total was $1,333,511 with the town property tax rate maximum of 3.4538 per thousand according to Clerk-Treasurer Betsy Luce.
The budget adoption meeting is scheduled for 8:30 a.m. Tuesday, Oct. 6, at North Webster Town Hall, 144 S. Main St. (SR 13).
Put in motion were the beginning steps for the bond to assist in financing the state mandated upgrades to the town waste treatment plant and sewer system. The council approved Ordinance 2015-09-15 to issue the forms for the bond for the project through the state revolving fund.
The council also agreed to suspend the rules before the ordinance was adopted as is required. Town Attorney Jack Birch guided the council through the process. He noted funds should be received by the town in November to begin.
“Preliminary bid plans for the project are available in town hall and anyone is welcome to stop by and review them,” stated Severn Trent Utilities Manager for North Webster Mike Noe. Noe also remarked the paving projects approved at the August meeting have been completed.
Three bids were opened for the demolition of the condemned building known as the old Penguin Point Building on North Main Street. The low bid by Gawthrop, Syracuse, of $3,490 was accepted and approved.
At the request of Police Chief Greg Church North Webster Halloween trick or treat hours were set for 6 to 8 p.m. Saturday, Oct. 31. The police department had 213 calls of service in August with the most being traffic related and citizen and agency assists. Officers hours were 576.5 with 2,951 miles driven using 252.5 gallons of fuel.
Present at the meeting were Luce, Birch, Noe, Church, town council members Jon Sroufe, Lisa Strombeck and Tim Hine. Also present was David Waliczek, unopposed Republican candidate for the opening on the town council.
The next regular meeting of the council will be 6 p.m. Tuesday, Oct. 20, North Webster Community Center party room, 301 N. Main St.