Area Lions Lend A Hand With Vision Screening
KOSCIUSKO COUNTY — Members of the Syracuse, North Webster, and Milford Lions Clubs have again joined forces to provide vision screening for first, third, fifth and eighth grade students in the Wawasee School District. For the second year, Lions are assisting area school nurses in conducting this annual screening, which is mandated by the State of Indiana.
The screening determines whether students’ eyesight is accurate to the 20/32 level at both near and far distances. Students whose vision does not meet this requirement are referred for further evaluation by a qualified professional. All screening results are given to the school nurses to be shared with parents.
The first vision screening for the 2016-17 school year was held at North Webster Elementary on Sept. 15. North Webster Lions screened a total of 225 first, third, and fifth graders, with assistance from a Syracuse Lions team. The Syracuse Lions then screened 281 first, third, and fifth graders at Syracuse Elementary on Sept. 22, followed by 152 eighth graders and new sixth and seventh graders at Wawasee Middle School on Sept. 27. Milford Lions screened 42 first graders at Milford Elementary on Sept. 27, and will screen third, fifth, and eighth grades on Nov. 17.
The Lions vision screening program within Wawasee School District is part of a statewide Lions project called SchoolSight, which is sponsored by the Indiana Lions Eye & Tissue Bank. Sight (preventing blindness, supporting those with vision impairments and promoting eye health) is one of Lions’ defining causes at local, state, national and international levels.
Area vision screening coordinator, Marie Butler-Knight of the Syracuse Lions Club, noted, “Last year Lions screened 771 students in the Wawasee School District. Of those, 166 students were referred for further testing. Undiagnosed vision problems can seriously impact a student’s ability to succeed in school, but early and ongoing vision screening can prevent this. Lions are proud to serve as part of that prevention program.”