Central Development Expansion Now Includes Marsh Store Location
WARSAW — During a short meeting of the Warsaw Plan Commission on Monday, May 8, the board gave a favorable recommendation on the expansion of the Central TIF District, which now includes the Marsh store location.
The current Central TIF district includes Buffalo, Canal, Indiana and Fort Wayne streets. The proposed expansion includes areas to the north and south of the existing district. The northern portion will travel along SR 15 until Gilliam Drive. The southern portion includes the downtown area and Fribley Field.
During the meeting, the board approved adding the Marsh store location area to the southern portion of the expansion. This decision was made after the store announced closing on May 21. The expansion would allow new developments to quickly move into the area so the building doesn’t remain empty for long.
The board then approved a favorable recommendation of the complete expansion. The resolution will now be presented to the Warsaw City Council and then the Redevelopment Commission before the expansion is finalized.