Etna Green Town Board Discusses Street Paving, Pavilion Rent
ETNA GREEN — Business at the Etna Green Town Board meeting Tuesday, June 12 focused on street paving projects and rent for the park’s pavilion.
The board discussed placing signs at the park’s pavilion to mark when it is reserved and when it isn’t. The current price for renting the pavilion is $25. The board agreed to keep the rental price as is.
Street Superintendent Andy Cook was present at the meeting to discuss future street paving projects for the city. Currently, he has three quotes from different companies. The projects include the Heritage Park parking lot, Walnut Street, Elm Street and the alley that goes from Spring Street to Remembrance Park.
The estimate discussed is from Niblock Excavating. All of the road projects are estimated to cost approximately $55,347. The board approved the projects.
The board also approved utility adjustments of $122.99. Two adjustments were made due to water leaks, while two others were related to a bankruptcy and a pool filling.
In other business:
- The board approved April 10 and May 8 meeting minutes.
- The board approved accounts payable vouchers.
- Ordinance 2018-03 was approved. The ordinance involves an electronic funds transfer for town employees.
- Community service hours for Josh Scarberry were approved. Scarberry will work alongside Cook.
- The board also discussed a sump pump at a residence that is currently hooked up to the city’s sewer system. The residents were asked to unhook the pump from the system before the end of the month.
- The board’s next meeting will be at 7 p.m. Tuesday, July 10.