2019 Payable 2020 Fall Property Taxes
News Release
WARSAW — Fall property taxes for Kosciusko County will be due Nov. 10 for 2019 payable 2020. Only one tax bill is mailed each year, which includes both the spring and fall installment coupons. If you have a mortgage escrow to pay taxes you should have received a tax bill copy for your records with the words “In Escrow” typed across it. Please note that if you paid off your mortgage and no longer escrow, check with your mortgage company to verify who is responsible to make the fall payment.
Taxes may be paid on the main floor of the courthouse in the treasurer’s office, located at 100 W Center St., RM 215, Warsaw. Please bring the entire statement for a receipt to be validated. There is a ground level entrance on the west side of the courthouse and an elevator to reach the second floor where the treasurer’s office is located. An outside drop box is available for tax payments at the west entrance of the courthouse. The box is monitored by the surveillance cameras located outside the courthouse.
Tax payments may be mailed to Kosciusko County Treasurer, PO Box 1764, Warsaw, IN. 46581. If you require a receipt, please mail the entire statement for a receipt to be validated with a self-addressed stamped envelope. Fall payments must be postmarked by Nov. 10. If mailing on Nov. 10, it is important to have the post office hand-cancel the envelope with the postmark date to avoid late penalties. Property taxes received with a Nov. 11 or later postmark are subject to 5% or 10% penalties. The drop box at the west entrance to the courthouse can be a great alternative to mailing the tax bill especially on the final payment day.
Please note that Lake City Bank branches are the only banks that are authorized by the county treasurer to accept tax payments effective immediately. They will begin collection on Oct. 19, 2020. You don’t have to have an account at Lake City Bank to make your tax payment. Make your check payable to: Kosciusko Co Treasurer. Please take your Fall Remittance and Taxpayer’s copy so they may validate a receipt for you.
ONLINE/Or by Phone Debit/Credit Cards
Taxes may be paid online with a credit or debit card at www.kcgov.com “Menu”, “Taxes”, “Pay Taxes” which is subject to a convenience fee. Credit and debit cards may also be used by phoning 1-(866)-480-8552, 7 am- 8 pm CST M-F with a convenience fee. Credit and debit cards may also be used in the treasurer’s office with a convenience fee. The convenience fee is retained by the credit card vendor. No part of the fee is retained by Kosciusko County.
Tax sale date is Oct. 19, 2020, 10 a.m. in the multi-purpose room of the Justice Building 121 N Lake St. Warsaw. To register please visit this link. http://sriservices.com. Questions please call (574)-372-2370.
County Treasurer Rhonda J. Helser reminds taxpayers that tax information is available at the Kosciusko County website at www.kcgov.com by selecting “Beacon Online Mapping.” Taxpayers may view real property, personal property and mobile home property tax information, real property record cards and maps as well as other pertinent information related to the property. There is an original tax bill copy that you may print off if you have lost your Fall tax coupon. Taxpayers with questions in reference to their tax bills may contact the Kosciusko County Treasurer’s Office at 1-(574)-372-2370.